Keren Beaumont, Personal Stylist London
My clients often talk about feeling overlooked as a woman in a male dominated workplace despite often being the most experienced or qualified person in the room.
They talk about the desire to have gravitas, presence and to command the respect they deserve in an environment where their colleagues are predominantly taller, deeper voiced and broader shouldered
They want a look that demonstrates credibility whilst not sacrificing one iota of their femininity.
I strongly believe that we should dress authentically and that femininity is a strength to be embraced in the workplace.
Only when dressing as our authentic selves, can we reach our true potential being entirely in tune with our true nature.

When the words feminine and strong come into play in a personal branding session, this is then the style magic happens.
Soft blouse against a clean tailored pant and crisp belt.
A flowing shirt dress fastened with a belt and sharp looking boots or shoes.
A well cut blazer over a pleat skirt..
Let's talk more style ideas for the workplace.
