Review, Eliminate and Re-stock
It's very common for people to have a wardrobe packed with clothes yet feel they have nothing to wear! There are a few reasons for this:
People don't stay the same size and shape. Pieces that you bought 10 years ago might not be suited to the current you!
We add new items to our wardrobes without clearing out the pieces that no longer work for us.. we accumulate too many clothes! Too many clothes means we can't see what we have
We 'panic buy' or make impulsive purchases of items that aren't right for us
The Wardrobe Edit service is designed to leave you with a perfectly organised wardrobe with your clothes and accessories easily visible and accessible. You will find it a breeze getting dressed in the morning. Your wardrobe will contain items that work for you and combine well into easy outfits. These are just a few of the benefits of using a Personal Stylist.
In the Wardrobe Edit, we will consider the following:
Key pieces that work for you - we will pick out the colours, shapes and fabrics in your existing wardrobe that make you look and feel your best and keep only these in the wardrobe
De-cluttering - we will work through the pieces in your wardrobe considering whether or not it earns it's right to live there any more
Wardrobe Building - If time allows, we will compile a list of items that you need to round out your perfect capsule wardrobe, this may be finishing touches to add style and polish or may be additional items to complete a look with some of your existing favourites.
Following the appointment, the next stage will be Personal Shopping to find the right pieces to complete your wardrobe.
Minimum 2 hour session
Please note, a consultation is required in advance of this service. Discounted packages available.