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3 steps to discovering your signature style or personal brand

Has your life moved on but your wardrobe is trailing behind?

Do you ever feel like an imposter in your own clothes?

Does your wardrobe feel like a relic of a former you?

Do you find yourself second guessing your outfit choice during the day?

Are you constantly adjusting your clothing to make it more comfortable?

If you answered yes to any of these, it's a sign that you might be ready for a style re-boot.

Having a clear vision of your signature style and being able to articulate what it is, is highly empowering and confidence boosting and here's why:

  • It creates a feeling of grounding and consistency of who you are inside and out

  • Authentic personal style that feels like the true you is liberating and allows you to be yourself every day so that you are primed to achieve to your full potential

  • It takes a lot of the pain out of shopping and dressing as you know exactly what you are looking for and what to avoid

Signature Style and Personal Branding Session
Signature Style and Personal Branding Session

Fortunately, there is a clear method you can use to work through this.

Here are some easy steps to follow to help you along the way to discovering your signature style or personal brand.

The intent is for you come away with a set of buzz words and a visual to represent your personal style.

  1. The ideal me exercise: Close your eyes and imagine a future you of 5 years time living your best life and achieving your goals. What does that future you look like? What is that person doing? How do they feel? What are they wearing? Let the image get clearer and clearer in your minds eye until you feel you are looking through a keyhole into a real future. How would you describe that future you? Describe their style, personality and skill set. Would it feel great to hear yourself being described that way today? If so, you are on the right tracks with this step. Now take a look at your list of words and try to group them into categories. Do you have a lot of words relating to professionalism and credibility? Do you have a lot of words relating to personality and charisma? Do you have words relating to approachability and likeability? Most people find they have a combination of all three.

Signature Style and Personal Branding Session
Signature Style and Personal Branding Session

2. Inspiration: use your favourite tool for inspiration be it Pinterest, Instagram, or physical magazines to put together a selection of style imagery that you are attracted to. Once they are in place, ask yourself this question: 'why are you drawn to these images'. We want to know specifically why, so saying cos it's nice or stylish, is not going to help. It's the descriptive words that are going to help you such as clean, minimal, interesting, original, professional, uplifting etc. Which words are coming up most often for you? Take a note of these as they are probably integral to your personal brand. And finally is there any overlap or similarity with the words in step one? if so, this consistency is good and gives confirmation that these are your brand words. If there are words in step one, that are not supported by your images, it might be that you need to keep looking for the right images as you may just not have come across the right thing yet.

3. Your images and words combined are your personal brand mood board. This is not a one shot, exercise. Now that you have the theory, you will want to adjust, add to and refine this over time until you are completely happy that this reflects that future you from step 1.

Your mood board will be the basis of building up a capsule wardrobe for yourself that is fit for purpose or in other words, is in-line with your purpose.

It will also form the inspiration for the outfits that you will create from your new wardrobe.

Enjoy the creative process and feel free to comment below on how this works out for you!

Fancy some help with finessing your perfect capsule?

Why not have a taster session by joining my upcoming online workshop which is free to join

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